Why Won’t My Macbook Charge?
There could be a simple reason why your MacBook Air or Pro won’t charge. Start off with these simple checks to establish what the issue is:
1.We have to ask… Is the MacBook definitely plugged in? Disconnect the charging cable from the laptop and plug it in again.
2.Check the plug socket too. Is the socket turned on? Have you tried using a different wall socket? We know all this sounds a bit basic, but double-check before you go any further.
3.Make sure your power adaptor is connected properly. Each Apple laptop adaptor comes in two parts, the square adaptor and its removable plug that connects to the wall, and the charge cable. Pull the two apart and put them back together.
4.What does your Apple Laptop adaptor look like? Is it in pristine condition or has it got any tears in the cable? Is the adaptor discoloured in any way? Does it look burnt out? If so, try a different adaptor
5.Check the power port on your Apple laptop for dust. This can prevent the connector from making a clean connection to the Mac and stop you from charging it up correctly.
6.Finally, click the battery icon in the Menu bar. If it says ‘Service Battery’ you probably need to get your battery replaced. The battery has aged and will no longer hold the charge that it once did.